Promo Jeune Basket

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Welcome to the New PJB Website

Welcome to the new and improved Promo Jeune Basket (PJB) website. This website serves to raise awareness of what PJB is doing in Goma, as well as promote education through sports throughout the world. With information about our education, leadership and basketball programs, we hope this website allows everyone to feel a part of the PJB family.

This website will inform you of our ongoing mission to empower the youth to use sports as a vehicle for change in their communities and the DRC. Our blog will serve to keep viewers up to date with programs, game status's, and all other relevant happenings around the program. In addition to these website functions, we have also integrated our social media outlets to keep you real-time updated with all that goes on within the PJB family. Please feel free to like us on Facebook, add us on Twitter, and Instagram.

At PJB we know that basketball is more than just a game. Basketball is the avenue in which youth can grow into respectful, hard working, disciplined, spirited, and active leaders within their communities. We hope you join us on our journey to change Goma, the DRC, and the world!